SAcred Sleep Coach

Certified Insomnia Coach


SAcred Sleep Coach

Certified Insomnia Coach


What exactly is Insomnia?

Insomnia is essentially a conditioned fear/stress response. The brain recognizes a pattern…being awake at night isn’t ok with you and you feel scared, anxious, worried, frustrated, angry…The brain responds to this fear by activating a protective state (fight or flight) and it gets stuck on repeat (automatic) every time we try and sleep. Not as complicated as you might have thought right?

Have I lost my ability to sleep?

Absolutely and unequivocally, no. You cannot lose your ability to sleep, although it can certainly feel like it! Also, your brain is not broken. You are not doomed to live this way forever and you are not going crazy. I promise.

Can I recover from Insomnia?

Yes, you can recover from insomnia! Spoiler alert: it is not easy. But it is easier than living with insomnia. It takes the right education, awareness, a huge dose of courage and a whole lot of self-kindness. But you don’t have to do it alone.

How can Sacred Sleep Coach help me?

Yep you guessed it, that’s where I come in! I know the struggle and I know it feels insurmountable. I know it is slowly taking away the things you love, and robbing you of living your fullest, most precious life. I know because I’ve been there. There is a way out and I can help shine a light on your path so you can get there.

Are you ready to leave insomnia for good? Reach out for 1:1 coaching sessions.

Initial consult special offer $49. This discovery call will give us a chance to meet, talk about your struggles with sleep and discuss how I can help you.

Package deal- 5 sessions for $450

Individual sessions -$95 per hour


 See blog post for My Insomnia Story